European Outdoor Film Tour

De beste avonturen- en outdoorfilms van het jaar!

EOFT 2024

Blik op het programma

Alle films in detail

Edu and his father Novato

Novato, what was Edu's greatest success?

Watch video

United by Summits

"Ebony Peaks" (winnend project)

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Outdoor Cinema

Best of: 3 in 1 bundle

Nu streamen

Onze evenementen -
wat je kunt verwachten

Zes indrukwekkende verhalen in 120 minuten film

Samengesteld programma over avontuur en buitensporten

Een onvergetelijke avond met vrienden en familie

Onze hosts begeleiden je door de avond en geven je achtergrondinformatie over de films.

Raffles en partnerpromoties ter plaatse

Uitwisseling met de lokale gemeenschap

Wat ons publiek zegt

"Coherent stories from around the world and on our own doorstep"
— Pro7 Newstime

"Breathtaking images of extraordinary adventures"
— Sky News

"Perfectly imperfect adventures and stories about friendship and perseverance"
— ARD Westart

Follow the adventure.

Abonneer je nu op de nieuwsbrief en blijf op de hoogte van de European Outdoor Film Tour en andere outdoor-events:

21st Century Adventurer Award

With this award, we celebrate the most inspiring adventurers of our time, and you help decide which nominee wins!

Stream the EOFT programs

Some EOFT programs are available on various streaming platforms (Outdoor Cinema, Vimeo On Demand, Prime Video, Apple TV). Availability varies depending on the film program.

EOFT Trail Team

Be part of the EOFT!

Open trail team positions

The face of EOFT 2024

Samantha Soriano | Film Cycle of Bayanihan

Get to know Samantha

Since 1948 until now

75 years of Defender

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Learn more about our partners

adidas TERREX

We are adidas TERREX.

This way.


Adventure is calling!

Go to Defender partner page

Wikinger Reisen

Urlaub, der bewegt.

Wikinger Reisen partner page
Wij danken onze partners